Here is a peek at the top of another project I finished last week.
Painting furniture is fun but time-consuming, so it is great when I come across a little treasure that I can whip out in a short amount of time.
This is the “before” picture. You may recognize it from my “Behind Closed (Garage) Doors!!!” post.
It wasn’t one of the first items to go at the garage sale where I found it. It probably didn’t appeal to many people with it’s little decoupaged birds. In fact, I initially chuckled and said I should buy it for my husband because he is so into birds right now. Upon closer look I fell in love with the frame and knew just what I would do with it!
It was a perfect frame for a chalkboard. So, with a little Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, in Old White, a bit of distressing and an application of dark wax, my frame was complete. Next, I sanded over the birdies in the picture to smooth off their edges, and painted over the entire picture with a few coats of chalkboard paint.
Most everyone knows that you can buy black chalkboard paint at the hardware store and it can be kind of pricey, but did you know you can make your own, and in any color?
Here is the recipe from
To create a custom color combine 1 cup latex paint, in the color of your choice, with 2 T. unsanded tile grout. Mix well and apply several coats of paint, allowing it to dry between each coat. Sand lightly between each coat of chalkboard paint.
When your project is dry, have fun creating messages on your board. This one is on my dining room window sill.
The message is from the Bible, Psalm 34:8. I think it is a fun mealtime message.
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