It has been a very long time since I’ve written a post on my blog. This is our busiest time of year as we start another nine months of Freedom Session. We kicked off with our big Intro Night last Sunday and the work begins in earnest this upcoming Sunday with Session 01! After somewhat stressful week last week, I decided to take some down time just to have fun! A day of rest for me is usually doing something that gets my creative juices flowing. That can be hitting garage sales in search of that perfect piece of furniture to restore, surfing through my favorite blogs for DIY decorating ideas for my home, or moving things around my house to reflect a new Season. This week I decided to decorate my front porch for Fall.
I’m not real fond of scarecrows, spider webs and witches, so my decorations are a bit tame. My husband hung a new swing on my front porch this summer and I sewed some pillows that have colors that work Spring-Fall.
This old window has been hanging around my yard for quite awhile now. I finally found the perfect place to hang it. Notice how it frames the apples ripening on my neighbor’s tree. You can smell their sweetness and I’m so tempted to run over there and pick a few.
Also hanging here is a sweet little bird feeder made from a china cup and saucer and some teaspoons. One of my husband’s students gave it to him, knowing that he loves feeding the birds in our yard.
I filled a galvanized metal tub and a burlap wrapped bucket with some deep burgandy colored Mums and a Jack-O-Lantern plant. The grasses were cut from my yard. Hard to see in this picture but both containers have rope handles. Very cute.
I found the candlesticks at a garage sale, spray painted them and distressed them and added some mini pumpkins on top.
I filled a lantern I already had with a bit of Fall Harvest.
On to the door, a moss covered monogram hung with burlap ribbon and decorated with a burlap rosette. Pricey at Pottery Barn, but I made mine with things I had on hand. You can view the tutorial here
And on over to the other side of the door, a little chair I found at our church garage sale, some plants I already had in my yard, and a basket of gourds and pumpkins.
And finally, the keeper of the front door.
I hope you enjoyed a peek at my front porch. It’s time to grab a cup of tea and soak up the last bit of warm weather.
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