The view from my house is cheery today! The clouds are staying at bay for a little while longer as I prepare for good friends coming from out of town.
This will be a very busy few days for us. Pastor Ken Dyck (writer and founder of Freedom Session) and his wife Bonnie will be coming to speak at all four weekend services at our church, teaching our Freedom Session class on Sunday evening, and also presenting a conference called Discipling a Broken Harvest for Pastors and Church Leaders all day Tuesday. We get to have them here in our little guest cottage, share meals together and attend a lot of meetings!
My hubby and I have been very fortunate to have been involved as Directors in this awesome ministry for the past three years. We have seen so many lives dramatically changed as people become real with themselves and others and begin walking in freedom! Old things becoming new!
So, I’m off to make sure the cottage is all in order, shop for food, have my nails done (an important part of having house guests is to look as good as the house does), do some cooking ahead and then just enjoy our friends when they get here.
The nice weather isn’t expected to hold but I expect that we will have a sunny time of fellowship nonetheless.
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