What is it about vintage drop leaf tables that I find so irresistible? They are just so darn cute! This is another one of those projects that I began painting before taking pictures but the picture below is pretty close to what my table looked like when I found her at a garage sale for $5.00 She is a small one and will make a good side table or even a children’s table.
I debated for awhile about color (I was leaning toward red) but then I started layering on different colors of leftover homemade chalk paint (recipe HERE) that I had on hand, sanding back, layering some more, changing the color a couple of times until I finally settled on what you see here. She looks to me like she belongs in a little lakeside cottage, or in the home of someone who wants to feel like they live in a lakeside cottage!
I thought briefly of making her into a tea cart, even bought some vintage wheels and made a tray for her top from an old picture frame, cabinet pulls and a graphic print fabric. Alas, I couldn’t figure out how to attach the wheels so back she is to being just a table (maybe Mr. OTN will have time to help me with that before I take her off to market).
My little table is heavily distressed and finished with Annie Sloan dark wax, followed by clear wax to pull off some of the dark color.
Here is a bit of staging to help get this little lady sold.
Maybe you can tell from my pictures that the colors on this little table are the colors I’m drawn to and have in my home. Too bad there isn’t any room for another piece of furniture!
Little by little I’m whittling down my pile of furniture, moving things from the “to do” pile to the “to sell” pile. I’ve pretty much banned myself from Craigslist and garage sales until I get that “to do” pile considerably smaller.
Sigh . . . I must work faster so I can return to the thrill of the hunt!
Just a reminder that Google Reader will end this week. I would love for you to follow me with Bloglovin’ or one of the other options on my sidebar. Thanks!
I’ve been known to link up to the following great parties!!!
UnderTheTableAndDreaming, TheDIYShowoff, TheTablescaper, IHeartNapTime, My1929Charmer, LifeOnLakeshoreDrive, NavyWifePetersUSSCrafty, SuburbsMama
IShouldBeMoppingTheFloor, ModVintageLife, BetweenNapsOnThePorch, TheGraphicsFairy, TheDedicatedHouse, UncommonDesigns, WestFurnitureRevival, BoogieboardCottage, DIYHomeSweetHome, HuckleberryLove, RainOnATinRoof, AlderberryHill, TwelveOEight,
HomeStoriesAtoZ, AStrollThruLife, Elizabeth&Co, MyUncommonSliceOfSuburbia, CoastalCharm, CozyLittleHouse, PJHDesigns, NaptimeCreations, CedarHillRanch, BloomingHomestead, FlusterBuster, KatheWithAnE, NotJustAHousewife,
VMG206, Hickory Trail, BeBetsy, TuesdaysAtOurHome
VMG206, Hickory Trail, BeBetsy, TuesdaysAtOurHome
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NoMinimalistHere, ImpartingGrace, DesignedDecor, TheVintageFarmhouse, TheSabbyCreekCottage, EmbracingChange, HaveADailyCupOfMrsOlson, BeyondThePicketFence, StoneGable, AllThingsWithPurpose, MyRepurposedLife, FromMyFrontPorchToYours, ADelightsomeLife
MyRomanticHome, FrenchCountryCottage, TatertotsAndJello, MissMustardSeed, ThriftyHandmadeDays, CraftJunkieToo, CommonGround, TheShabbyNest, LizMarie, Redoux, JenniferRizzo, TheCharmOfHome, RootedInThyme, 504Main
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This is so attractive, I love the green and blue, and the tray is fabulous! It is perfect with your wallpaper too, lovin it all!
I am on a junk fast too – isn’t it hard? But I have finished several projects. I love the watery color of the top – just like a lake in the summer. The distressed green legs really add to the cottage look.
Patti, this table turned out gorgeous! I love the color combination you used! It has so much charm and character!!
It looks beautiful! I like the two-tone, with different color legs. The tray is really pretty too! Your walls are really nice too! I’ll have to get busy with some old furniture and try some chalk paint!
Have a great summer! Linda
It looks amazing! What an incredible job!
Looks great Patti! Thanks for stopping by!
This is totally fabulous! Love the color combo!
Oh, I love the green and blue together! That green is the perfect green, too. Cute! ~Angela~
So Pretty! Love this color combo.
I love how you transformed this table. I wouldn’t have thought of green and blue together looking so nice. And I love how you made it look vintage–I agree that it looks very summer-cottage-beach-like. It’s a unique table style and your paint and accessories make it a wonderful addition to your home.
I really love the table but I also love the tray. I think that is something I would love to try and I will keep my eye out for an appropriate frame. I like blue and green together and you really nailed it 🙂
It looks great and I love the color… although it makes me sad because I had a drop leaf table similar and I sold it.
I love that color combination….you have given me such a great idea to combine those colors on a piece of furniture I have!!!…Great job….just beautiful!
Your table turned out adorable, great job! Thanks so much for commenting on our blog, the Cottage is about 20 minutes for Portland, are you from there? Your newest followers.
The girls from the Shabby Cottage
I love this table. What a great color. I love your vignette.
Have a wonderful week,
@ Eclectic Red Barn
I love drop leaf tables and yours came out so pretty. Love the shades of green and blue that you used. The tray is a wonderful accent piece. Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog about your coastal trip. I really enjoyed reading it. It’s so nice to connect with other bloggers from the Pacific NW!
I absolutely love this table!! Wish I lived closer to you! Linda
Wow, $5 at a yard sale?! Good for you! And look how you improved it! The tray looks great on it, too. Take care – Dawn
Stopping in from “Simple and Sweet Fridays” because I love your color choice. Looks like Annie Sloan Duck Egg Blue so it looks like a great alternative!
-Brittany Ruth
This looks awesome! Would love to have you link this up at our summer-themed, Ladies Only Blog Share! Visiting from the Pity Party!
Love the color choices that you did and that distressing is wonderful! Love the new look of the table, wheels or no wheels. I think she will sell quickly for you.
Great find, and perfect color and paint technique for the beach. I’ll bet it’ll sell quickly.
Lovely table but really love your walls!
– The Tablescaper
I love this color palette! Cute table!
Just beautiful! Loving those colors. That tray you have on top is adorable ~ did you make that, too?
I found you today at Sunday Scoop. I hope you get a chance to visit my blog, too. I’m co-hosting the DIY Showcase and would love for you to come by and link up!
~ Megin of VMG206
Open Now! DIY Showcase ~ Come Link Up!
Patti, love the layering of colors. I think she will sell fast. Drop leaf tables are wonderful! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Excellent look! The layered colors turned out perfect. Makes me sad that I let go of an old drop leaf table years ago. It could have been resurrected to be something interesting like this!
Fabulous job Patti! I love the layering of the colour too… I just tried a little desk layering some colour, but I think I need to give the dark wax a try. Adds so much dimension!
Wow, I love your color choice and your table-top decor is truly sweet!
I do Love it!!
I love what you did with this table. I also had one like that years ago. I wonder what happened to it? Oh, well. Yours is pretty now. Best wishes, Linda
I love the colors, love drop leaf tables. So gorgeous. Featuring at my party tomorrow, thanks so much for sharing! -K
Great colors! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!
I just love the way your table turned out! You did an outstanding job. What a great transformation!
Thank you for linking this post to Grace at Home–I featured it this week! 🙂
What a great score! This is just adorable, and I am definitely going to try your chalk paint recipe.
You really did nice work on the table and I can’t believe how different it looks. AND I love all the little doodads on the table top – very nice
Thanks for sharing on the BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT. Thanks for linking back to BeBetsy. Have a wonderful weekend!
Sharon and Denise
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This little table is fabulous. I so have enjoyed finding your blog.
Someone will purchase this little table and find warmth from it just being I their home.
Simply fabulous….love how you took it and changed it so beautifully.
The table is beautiful…love the color! That tray is awesome too! Thank you for sharing it at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have
a great week!
$5? what a steal! Love your new table! 😉
catching you!
Love the color combination!
I don’t think I’ve ever commented twice on the same post, but i saw this at Funky Junk and I love it so much! I had to stop by and gush one more time! XO