As you probably know by now, Google Reader will be going away as of July 1st. Google recommends signing up with Google+ as an alternative. I have tried Google+ but I’m not as happy with the set up as I have been with the regular Google Reader. It doesn’t allow me to have my profile as OldThingsNew, the name of my blog, and no matter how I change the settings it makes me a “no reply” blogger. I even got some help with this issue but nothing seems to work.
In recent months I’ve added Bloglovin’ as a way to follow my blog (in addition to email, Pinterest and Facebook). I’ve been participating in the Bloglovin’ Bloghop (see left sidebar) and have gained many new followers through this awesome reader. It seems to be the “go to” reader for nearly all of the blogs I follow and it is free, easy to set up and a breeze to transfer your Google reading list to. I receive a daily email from Bloglovin’ where I can quickly catch up on new posts from all the blogs I follow. For a simple tutorial by Kimmie at The Kimmie Chronicles on how to set up Bloglovin’ as your new reader you can link up HERE.
So . . . here is my request to you. When Google Reader goes away I really, really, REALLY don’t want to lose you! Did I say REALLY? If you enjoy my posts please consider adding Bloglovin’ as your reader and transferring your reading list so that you can continue to get updates on ALL of the great blogs you follow, or consider following my blog via email, Pinterest or Facebook. I would sure be sad to lose even one of you, my awesome readers.
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