While I think it is VERY bad form to start a 4-Part tutorial series and then S-T-R-E-T-C-H it out for weeks with no wrap up, that is exactly what I’ve done. Please forgive me (PUH-LEEZ?) and allow me explain. As I’ve been sharing in previous posts we are moving cross-country later this summer. This wasn’t even on our radar a few months ago so we weren’t prepared to put our house on the market and skedaddle! In fact, I’d been going along doing my usual thing of shopping for great used furniture deals to re-do and re-sell. Mr. OTN was also doing his own collecting of whatchamacallits and thingamajiggies (the usual man stuff) when pretty much out of the blue we are on the path to a whole new life!
The next surprise came just as suddenly when without even putting our house on the market it sold! Do you know what a blessing that is? Lake front property in our area has been taking longer to sell than other property and I thought it a strong possibility that I would have to stay behind while Mr. OTN went ahead to Greenville without me. Not only did it sell but it sold to some of our favorite people in the world. I love my little lakefront home and I am so happy that our friends get to enjoy it when we are gone. Isn’t that just like God?
So here I am, deciding which furniture pieces to keep for the new home that we haven’t even found yet! It will probably have more square footage since it won’t be on a lake and I’m going to need more furniture to fill it.
What do I keep and what do I sell? My new friend Kari came over yesterday and took a few more things (she may be an angel in disguise) and another friend bought several pieces for her daughter who is just beginning a painted furniture business. We’ve made dump runs, thrift store runs (to drop off, not pick up), recycle runs, shred runs, etc. We decided against a garage sale but will have a 2-hour Man Flash Sale for all of the man stuff Mr. OTN has decided to part with. We ARE moving mountains even though it can’t easily be seen from this picture.
Moving mountains and sometimes feeling overwhelmed. But how great it will feel to move to our new place with a lighter load! Will I still collect furniture to restore and resell? It is a hobby that gives me GREAT joy! For awhile though I’ll be focusing on furnishing and decorating my own house . . . wherever that might be . . . whatever that might look like . . . that is the next prayer to be answered.
So what about PART 4 on my Budget Kitchen Remodel? I need to look up the names of suppliers, invoices, etc. to share with you the great deals I found, and that feels like a daunting task right now. All of Mr. OTN’s brothers will coming into town tonight, to stay through the Fourth and beyond, so it is going to have to wait a wee bit longer. Please be patient with me through all of this and think of all the great content ahead as we work on the new place that we’ll SOON call home.
VMG206, TuesdaysAtOurHome,
Rachel Kathyg @ onlinesisterhood says
Congratulations on selling your home. How exciting. God always moves at the perfect time:) Have a great holiday weekend!
Pat says
Our God is an awesome God, indeed!!!
Take all the time you need, dear friend!!!
Of course, we’ll all be on the edge of our seats to see your new home
and all of the amazing adventures that God has in store for you and Mr. OTN!!!
Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says
Well, I hope you are keeping those chairs you are sitting on, Patti! Just love those and I’m sure they will come in handy somewhere in your new home. : ) If I lived closer, I’d be more than happy to come over and help you part with some of your stuff. It sounds like you’ve got a lot going on. You were lucky to sell without having to list your house. That saved some headaches on your part. I’ll bet you also saved a commission, too! Happy 4th!
Carol Cook says
How wonderful that your home sold quickly and to friends. The same thing happened to us with our last home. It is funny that we bought it from friends, sold it to friends and they sold it to friends – keeping it in “the family”.
Good luck with all of the purging and packing.
Kari says
I sold one of my pics yesterday My self esteem rose Another lady coming to look at a chair. I’ve harvested lots of hydrangeas. Planted more lavender. Will Almake lavender bath salts to put in pretty bottles. Texted Kim about show so will wait n see. Collecting bird nests once unoccupied. Looking at natural resources with fresh eyes. I pray 4 ur peace every day. I’m honored to have met u.