A statement often used when people don’t know how things will turn out. In reality, who does know the future but God? We may a catch glimpse of it through God’s Word, or through prophecy, or by looking at past patterns, but only God knows the future of the world, and our individual futures, down to the last detail.
Even . . . The enemy of our soul, Satan, doesn't know what the future holds for us or how our lives will play out! Share on X
Welcome to FREEDOM FRIDAY – A devotional, emotional, spiritual and sometimes hysterical series that I will be sharing on occasional Fridays, in addition to my regular Old Things New posts. Why? Because though once bound in chains Christ has set me free – FREE to live, to love, to dance, to sing, to be who God created me to be!
A couple of verses have stood out to me in my personal Bible reading lately:
“Listen to this, everyone – near and far: The Eternal One singled me out, even before I was born. He called me and named me when I was still in my mother’s belly . . . He kept my purpose quiet, kept me safe in the shadow of His hand.” Isaiah 49:1-2 (The Voice)
. . . and . . .
“I will go ahead of you and smooth the way, lower the heights, break down bronze doors, and cut through iron bars. I will give you hidden treasures and wealth tucked away in secret places; I will reveal them to you. Then you will know that I am the Eternal, the God of Israel, who calls you by name.” Isaiah 45:2-4 (The Voice)
Now, while these Old Testament Scriptures aren’t written ABOUT me, they are written FOR me and speak to me personally about how God works in my life and the lives of all Christ followers. He knew each of us and named us in ours mother’s wombs. He keeps our purpose quiet and keeps us safe in the shadow of His hand. He singled each of us out for a purpose. He goes before us to prepare the way, He opens closed doors, and as we seek Him He reveals hidden treasures to us, proving that He is God!
Do you see that? “He keeps our purpose quiet.”
Our Pastor recently gave a message where he talked about how Satan recognized Jesus as God’s promised Messiah and did everything in his power to destroy him while He was here on earth. He shared how each thing that Satan did against Jesus actually carried out Bible prophecy and played right into God’s perfect plan of redemption for humankind.
Satan didn’t know.
And Satan doesn’t know our futures either.
God has a plan for each and every Christ follower. Do you believe that? Two of my life verses are,
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jer. 29:11 (NIV)
“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good,” Gen. 50:20 (ESV)
Satan is the enemy of our souls. He was defeated through Christ’s death on the cross and since then he has made it his mission to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10) those who call themselves Christ followers. He knows prophecy. He knows that Christ will return again and that he will be defeated, so his aim is to create as much havoc for God’s people as he can, in hopes of destroying us. But sometimes the thing he attempts to destroy us with is the thing that will bring God the most glory! Share on X
To stand strong against the enemy it is important to know who you are in Christ. (I gave you some Scripture references in the last FF, which you can refer back to HERE). Satan loves to throw accusations at us. Our Pastor has said many times that Satan would love to make you believe something about yourself that is untrue so that you will act like someone you’re not, but . . .
If you know who you are in Christ it's hard to act like someone you're not. Share on X
To know Him, and who you are in Him, it is important to spend time with Him. It is important to seek His Truth in Scripture because the Truth is what has the power to set us free. I Cor. 2:16 NIV says, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” Did you hear that? Scripture says that we have the mind of Christ! His Word is like food and water to us. It nourishes and strengthens us so we are able to live in victory rather than in defeat. It is through the Word that our minds are transformed (Rom. 12:2) and our thoughts become Christ’s thoughts.
Satan doesn't know the end from the beginning. He doesn't know how our individual stories will play out. Share on X
He had no idea that some of the things he used to try to destroy my life played right into God’s plan for my life and my unique redemption story! If he had, he may have left this good little church girl alone to live a less than extraordinary church life!
What about you?
How have you handled your past failures? Do you still carry shame or do you believe God when He says that Jesus paid the price for your sins? Have you forgiven yourself? How have you handled the sins that others have committed against you? Are you still wearing the “victim” label or have you accepted your new identity in Christ? Are there any lies that you believe about yourself, lies others have told you or lies directly attributed to you by the enemy of your soul? What about the “hard thing” you are facing right now? Will you let that thing defeat you, or will you allow God to embolden you to stand strong in Him, knowing that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose? (Rom. 8:38), knowing that He goes before you to prepare a way for you and that He does have a plan for your life?
Will you make the choice to submit yourself to God's truth or give in to the lies of the enemy? Share on X
The answer to those questions is what will make Satan either regret or rejoice in the fact that he ever messed with you!
Believe that He has a good plan for your life and that your story can be used for Him. Believe that your life has purpose. Step into it! Walk boldly forward even when you aren’t exactly sure where He’s taking you. He goes before you and He is behind you!
Now THAT is exciting!
Our God, the one True God, stands above and behind history, the history of nations and individuals, directing and orchestrating events for His ultimate glory!
TheDIYShowoff, LifeOnLakeshoreDrive, SilverPenniesSundays, SundaysAtHome, RusticAndRefined, Spiritual Sundays, GiveMeGrace
VMG206, TuesdaysAtOurHome, TheWinthropChronicles, Dream.Create.Inspire.Link, Rich Faith Rising Unite Linky,Time Warp Wife, Testimony Tuesday,Cheerleaders of Faith,Tell His Story
This is so good, Patti. Thank you for another heart felt, encouraging message. I really love your writing. I have friends who will greatly appreciate this as well! I love and miss you!
This is awesome, Patti. I love what you wrote about if the enemy had only known God’s plan for you, he would have left a good little church girl alone to live a less than extraordinary church life. I can so relate! You shared some of my favorite Scriptures, and made me aware of a translation I wasn’t familiar with. Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Becky M.
That was awesome! I love to see when people are not afraid to talk about God on their blog….instead of how most people are…trying to be PC all the time . What are they afraid of? ! LOL
Keep up the great work!
The pix were also quite beautiful!
Oh my! What beautiful ice pictures.!I don’t know about you and the area where you live, but the intense and extended cold (and ice) that we have “enjoyed” is something we never would have foretold! Thanks for sharing this great beauty!
This is such a great post, Patti! What an encouragement you are as you write. The pictures you share capture God’s beautiful artwork perfectly. Another reminder that He takes what I’d otherwise consider to be less than ideal (winter) and turn it into something lovely. Thank you for sharing from the heart. I’m glad I connected with you via Testimony Tuesday. 🙂
I’m so glad that Satan doesn’t know, that is so reassuring. And makes so much sense as well. Much of what he does to harm us, becomes the catalyst for the change God seeks to bring about in our lives. He is a God of rebirth, restoration and new life. Thank you for sharing. I love your images – beautiful!
Patti, I’m visiting today from Coffee for Your Heart. So glad I stopped by! Beautiful post, and you have a lovely blog! Your pictures are wonderful!
Patti, it is a very interesting thought to think that the devil doesn’t know the beginning from the end. I had never considered that before. Thank you for bringing this point to mind; he is not all knowing like God. I cheer your insight – and your photos – today from the #RaRalinkup from Purposeful Faith!
What an interesting way of looking at this! I’ve never thought of God hiding our purposes before. Great thoughts! Thanks for linking with Grace and Truth!
How encouraging! I love the thought that whatever satan is trying to do, it is playing right into God’s plan. Ha ha take that satan! 🙂
Patty, I realize that this post is not new, but I just read it for the first time, and it has changed my thinking completely. I am a born again woman who loves Jesus with all that I have, but your insight has brought revelation to my spirit. Knowing that Satan doesn’t know everything is so comforting, but that God has kept our purpose secret from him is even more amazing. I see the things that He is working on in my life and my relationships so much clearer now and have such hope and faith that yes, He is working all things together for my good, and the best part is, Satan can’t do anything about it as long as I keep my eye on Jesus!. THANK YOU so much for helping me, you have been a beacon of light to me. Praise God!