Perhaps you’ve noticed that I haven’t been blogging much lately and yes, there is a reason. I hate to sound whiny here on my blog and I also hate to seem whimpy. That’s why I waited a week after breaking my wrist before going to the doctor to have it x-rayed. That’s also why I waited two weeks after the cast came off before going back to the doctor with my suspicion that something wasn’t right. Pride? Yeah, maybe.
Feeling more pain after the cast comes off than when it went on is not good. Not being able to write or type or turn the key in the ignition, or sleep soundly at night because of shooting pain up your arm is bad. Having your husband tell you to get into the doctor, when your husband is a doctor, is the worst!
I remind myself that a broken wrist is a little thing and how blessed I am compared to people who have really awful things in their lives. Still, not being able to work on all of the projects I’ve started has left me feeling a bit “down in the dumps” for the past couple of months (losing our SnoopyGirl didn’t help either).
So when life gives you a broken wrist, or a leaky birdbath, the perfect thing to do is plant succulents! I have been able to do projects that don’t require small motor movement of my right hand and wrist so I’ve been spending a lot of time working in my yard, which is a delight this time of year. Now . . . since even writing this little bit is painful . . . I’m going to move on and show you the pics I took after planting this old birdbath and thrift store pitcher with succulents.
This is one small corner of my yard where I’ve added color. Beyond the grass is a fenced wooded area with a walking trail. We plan to add more plantings along the edge of the grass as time goes on in order to create a bit of an enclosed courtyard feeling to our backyard.
Over the summer these succulents will grow and begin to overflow this container like they did in the three-tiered succulent planter I did a couple of summers ago.
Super simple and super cute right? And how handy it was to have a tree right there to wire the pitcher to.
Today I start twice weekly occupational therapy on my frozen wrist. My faith tells me to pray for healing of my wrist. I’ve had lots of prayer and I believe that God is healing my hand. The whiny in me would love for it to be sooner rather than later.
Though I’ve missed sharing what I’m working on with you all I can honestly say that I’m enjoying not having the pressure of hours spent preparing and sharing posts. As we head into summer my stress meter is lower than it’s been in a long time so perhaps I’m learning a thing or two along the way. Any maybe, just maybe, God’s timing for healing my hand is the perfect timing 🙂
Though I’m not blogging much right now I AM taking pictures of the things I’m enjoying every day. If you like to share in that, please follow me on Instagram.
Blessings to you until the next time,
VMG206, TuesdaysAtOurHome,
jan in florida says
Very cute planting! I hope you will post a follow-up picture as they mature and that your wrist will be good as new before long!
Paula says
Sorry the wrist is taking so long to heal. Prayers to you….
I’m loving your pics of all the green trees and beautiful flowers where you live. Keep them coming! It’s so dry in California and we will be watching the lawn die again this summer. However, your birdbath idea has me excited. I have one with a leak that I can’t seem to fix. I’ll just fill it with dirt and succulents! Genius and water-wise!
Stacey says
Look at you making something beautiful even when you are wounded! I love the way the pitcher appears to be pouring into the fountain.
Robin says
LOVE the succulents! And the wrist….owie! (I am the broken toe queen myself…THREE times, same toe! LOL)
It is not whimpy to go to the doctor. Yes, God can heal you. But God can use the doctor to heal you, too. After all, God was the one who thought up the profession! (My Pastor has told us this many times.)
My father broke his wrist as a teen. It was not set right and he was not able to play basketball after that because he could not bend his wrist all the way up. You can’t be a one-handed dribbler! He was good enough that he might have been able to go pro had he not messed up the wrist!
My brother broke his wrist in Vermont in a tobogganing accident along with shattering his kidney and almost dying. My father would NOT let them cast his wrist….he waited til he was able to fly back to Philly and go to Jefferson Hospital to make sure it was set RIGHT. He did not want my bro to wind up like him. His is ok.
My mom broke her wrist a month after my daughter was born in 2000 (I am seeing a pattern here! LOL). Found out she had osteoporosis too! She got it set at Jefferson, of course. She needed physical therapy and still has issues with wrist strength at times.
An older lady reverend friend of mine fell Saturday and broke her wrist at a kids’ concert she was running to raise money for the kids. She got her heel stuck in a grate at the front door and went DOWN before it started. It must be the season for broken wrists. LOL She is a lot like you…she was back at the concert at the end to say THANK YOU for the support! She is still swollen and can’t be fully x-rayed yet. She may have broken hand bones as well. She is only in a soft cast. May 23rd will tell what the whole deal is. (Keep Rev. Willis in prayer, please. She does a LOT of things for a LOT of people in the name of the Lord.)
PLEASE…Make sure you do all you can for the wrist…you don’t want to wind up with any “forever” issues. We need our wrists way more than we realize! (As I sit here and feel my carpal tunnel hurting me.LOL) I will keep you in prayer!!! 🙂
Sharon H says
I’m so sorry for all you’re going through, Patti. A painful way to learn to slow down and rest, to back away from the things YOU feel are most important right now. And we know His timing is Perfect, and quite possibly for more than just the healing of your wrist……you have been missed, my friend, and God will restore the most important parts as He sees fit. Romans 8:28. Look forward to your next post, whenever that may be.
Shelly says
Beautiful, Patty! I love your writings. But like you, I’m busy outside at this time of year and don’t get much time to do FB, let alone reading blogs. So if you continue to be limited on your blog site, I understand and will love them when you do.
Tammy says
What an adorable idea Patty…love it!
Alice Cone says
Bless your heart! I sense your pain and frustration in dealing with that broken wrist. Please take care of yourself and get better and don’t worry about all the things you can’t get done right now. Your ability to see possibilities where others don’t is a gift from The Lord and His timing for you is perfect. It will be fun to just revisit all your former projects (:-). God Bless You and Keep You.
Cindy says
Hope your ok! Beautiful gardens
Alice Jump says
Like you God used my illness to slow me down, I didn’t realize how much I was doing. Using what you can still do, inspires everyone. You will be in my prayers.
swapna says
Look neat!
Susan - the Eclectic Shorebird says
Think of all the prayers you missed out on! Will be lifting you and your doctors/therapists up in prayer. Lovely project. Hope you will be feeling 100% soon. Praying also that God will bless this time and use you where you are.
Carole West @ Garden Up Green says
I really like this project. I keep seeing succulents everywhere online and in the nurseries. i guess it’s time to get a few and see what I can come up with. I really like this art piece you placed together. It’s very welcoming.
Kristina & Millie says
both are so lovely! the pitcher hanging over the bath is a totally cool idea! love the little plants you added. Good to know about drilling the holes and rocks – explains why my succulents didn’t make it. If you have time I hope you will stop by our creative craft party for upcycled crafts:
Patti says
The pitcher and birdbath look perfect there! Praying for your speedy recovery.
Big hugs,
The Summer Kitchen Gilrs says
Oh!!!!!! I don’t even have a broken bird bath…but you better believe I want to go buy a new one…unless I can find a brooken or used one at an estate sale…this is such a super cute idea….LOVE IT ~ love that pitcher as well….might have to borrow that one too 😉
Hoping for a quick recovery for your wrist!!!!
Have a lovely weekend!
Karla & Karrie
Julie says
Good save, it’s so nice to re purpose things instead of loosing them altogether.
Martina says
Patti I LOVE IT!! That whole area looks beautiful!!
Julie says
I did the exact same thing with a broken birdbath!! Great minds must think alike 😉
Jann olson says
Patti, so sorry to hear about your wrist! I hope that it will heal quickly for you!! Love your creative succulent art. The pitcher hanging from the tree is such a fun touch. I love it! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Diane | An Extraordinary Day says
Patti, I am so sorry that you have had complications in the healing of your wrist. 🙁
I know you’re making the best of your situation…. but with all the new changes… I know that it makes things even more difficult. It’s these times when God is glorified most when we lean harder on him. 😉 As you know.
Thanks for sharing your pretty succulent garden. You outdoor landscape is so lovely. I might even be a little envious of the lushness. What refreshment to the soul.
Heal quickly my friend in Jesus’ Name!! <3
All that's Jas says
Genius idea! We have similar birth baths that are really old and I will keep this in mind when they can’t hold water. Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things! Hope to see you again this week!
Christy @ 11 Magnolia Lane says
Patti–I’m so sorry to hear that you’re still recovering. Sending prayers for healing, and I love your beautiful succulents. Thanks for sharing them at the Pretty Preppy Party!
Kathy says
I am so sorry to hear about your wrist, Patti! Your solution for your birdbath is lovely! I will be featuring your post in this week’s Home and Garden Thursday,
Sherry says
I love the solution you created to your bird bath! Hope your feeling better soon! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!
Sherry @ no minimalist here says
Patti, I hate that you broke your wrist and I hope it is healing now. Your garden is wonderful and I love the succulents. Sorry you are not getting my emails about the painting. It is available and I hope you can pick it up so we can get together. You can call me at 352 360-8811.
Wendi @ H2OBungalow says
This is so creative! Love it! Wishes for a speedy recovery too:) Visiting from Shabbilicious Linky.
Pat says
Oh, my goodness, dear friend!!!
So~o~o sorry that you are dealing with pain!!!
I hear you about NOT complaining. . .I have a h i g h tolerance for pain,
which my doctor tells me as I age is NOT a “good thing”!!! Live and learn!!!
I’m praying that the OT you’re taking will aid you in a full. . .pain~free. . .recovery!!!
Your succulent birdbath is a d o r a b l e!!!
Love the pitcher above the planting, too!!!
Daily prayers coming your way on your behalf, dear friend!!!
handmade by amalia says
How painful and frustrating. I like your positive thinking and your succulents.
Ruby Maas says
How lovely! I’m in love with succulents and most of my time at home I spend designing and planting them in different pots. I have an old birdbath buried somewhere in the garage, that could work great. Thank you for the idea!