It’s an ordinary Tuesday. The day of the week that I’m most likely to share a home related post. Well, I’ve still got one for ya’ but I couldn’t help but share that there is something about this Tuesday that had me singing in the shower and dancing down the stairs to my computer.
Sometimes our prayers are answered quickly, sometimes we never see the answer in our lifetimes, and sometimes the prayers go on for a long, long time until suddenly…
Today was a sudden answer to a prayer I’ve been praying for a very long time on behalf of someone who is dear to me. I can’t share specifics because this person’s story is theirs to tell, not mine. What I can say is that God tells us in His word to, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-12 NIV.
That verse has been key to opening many doors in my life and I came upon it again, posting it to Instagram and Facebook just a couple of days ago, as a reminder to myself not to give up! The beginning of our answer has come today. Thank you Lord and Hallelujah!
Blue and White. Crisp, fresh, and wildly popular. It wasn’t always the “in” thing like it is now but it always was and always will be classic. My first piece of blue and white porcelain was this ginger jar, gifted to me by my mother when I was a young wife and mother. She gave one to each of us three sisters, but I was the youngest, and the poorest, and she made sure to tell me that it was a valuable piece so I would take good care of it.
That was the only blue and white piece I had for years and I always kept it up high, in a very safe place! It was a “showpiece” among my pieces of scratched and dented furniture.
My blue and white ginger jar came along with me through a lot style changes in my various homes.
In my first home, a 60’s rambler with orange shag carpeting and hand-me-down decor, it felt superior and important.
When that same home changed over to the soft blues and peaches of the 80’s this smart blue and white piece held it’s own.
My next home was Victorian in style with hot pink wall-to-wall living room carpeting (that was considered a cool color back in the day-or was that a hot color?). On top of the carpet we placed my mom’s 8×10 Karastan rug. This rug has the deep blue color in it, as well a lot of other colors that allow it work in many decors. We also added my gorgeous crystal chandy, a birthday gift from my hubby. My blue and white now had a couple of friends who complimented her well.
On to our lake house, which began with a lot of reds and greens and changed over time to cooler, more lakeside appropriate colors. I called my style there Rustic Glam. My blue and white piece looked great on top of my kitchen cabinets, especially after we redid the kitchen with sparkly backsplash tiles.
I began collecting more blue and white pieces in earnest while we lived in that house. I picked most of them up at Marshalls or Ross. They were prolific there and priced to sell, because the big blue and white craze hadn’t hit full force yet.
The last move was to our current house, a classic Southern Colonial. “Awww, said my blue and white ginger jar. I’ve come home.” Exactly what I said upon arriving in the South.
Since we’ve lived here I’ve added a few more pieces from thrift stores and discount stores, and I was given some family pieces (the hub’s family) of blue Willow ware. I’ve also purchased Spode Italian dinnerware for everyday. They are super durable and I love how they feel.
Question: Does anyone else love the “feel” of their dishes?
Of course I got them on sale. At Macy’s. Yes, I am and ever will be a “shopper.”
My current style is traditional, with rustic touches and a lot of French Country.
I love crystal chandys and old wooden tool boxes, old lace and aged baskets.
I like my furniture with a few dings and places that look worn because new furniture never stays looking brand new in my house for long, especially with dogs. So I embrace the shabby and live real!
We will be downsizing sooner or later, as my husband nears retirement, and I wonder what my next house style will be?
I may need to downsize some of my blue and white collection, but my ginger jar will come along with me wherever I go.
It may be popular for awhile, until the retailers come up with something else for us to spend our money on.
But even when the masses stop buying it up and the bloggers stop talking about it, it will never go out of style.
Blue and white. Classic beauty.
Thank you for joining me as I reminisce a bit today.
Keep asking, seeking, and knocking in prayer. Never give up! Because He never gives up on you.
Blessings dear ones,
I’ve been known to link up to the following great parties!!!
SundaysAtHome, TheDIYShowoff, LifeOnLakeshoreDrive, SilverPenniesSundays, RusticAndRefined, Spiritual Sundays
IShouldBeMoppingTheFloor, TheDedicatedHouse, Dwellings, ProjectInspired, InspireMeMonday, BetweenNapsOnThePorch, CelebrateYourStory, What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings, Darling Downs Diaries, The Art of Homemaking, MomentsOfHope, Glimpses, SittingAmongFriends
TalkOfTheTown, HomeStoriesAtoZ, AStrollThruLife, CoastalCharm, CedarHillFarmhouse, TuesdaysAtOurHome, TheWinthropChronicles, Rich Faith Rising Unite Linky, Testimony Tuesday,Cheerleaders of Faith,Tell His Story
SavvySouthernStyle, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesdays, Coffee for Your Heart, MessyMarriage, ThreeWordWednesday, WriterWednesday
ShareYourStyle, ImpartingGrace, EmbracingChange, HaveADailyCupOfMrsOlson, MyRepurposedLife, ADelightsomeLife, KatherinesCorner, Thought Provoking Thursday, SincerelyPaulas, ThoughtfulThursday, Tune-inThursday
FrenchCountryCottage, TheCharmOfHome, TheDedicatedHouseAnythingBlueFriday, ShabbyliciousFriday, Sweet Inspiration, Faith’nFriends, Missional Women Faith Filled Fridays, Dance With Jesus FreshMarketFriday
FunkyJunkInteriors, OneMoreTimeEvents, SaturdaySparks, TheInspirationGallery, Make My Saturday Sweet
I adore the blue and white. Can’t get enough of it but only our bedroom has the paint color for it! In our next home, our still water home, I am going to have so much blue and white one will feel as though they are on the sea or in the sky!!! And, God answers prayers, eh?
Go for the blue and white all over your future still water home Susan. I think you should even paint the ceilings blue!
Love these!
Thanks Debbie 🙂
PATTI – WHAT What a sweet blog today!! I was feeling your JOY today!! Faith in God includes Faith in His timing!! He does hear our prayers!! I am in LOVE with my dishes too!! I have the Fiesta Ware – in all the various colors!! It is so FUN as the table always looks good. My mother once told me – if you are not a good cook always make the table look nice and the food will taste better!! LOL!! Your blogs always touch my heart!! Thank You!! (P.S. my Mom had blue and white dishes)
Oh how I KNOW you were feeling my JOY Jodi. Thank you for being a part of praying with us for answers. God’s timing is perfect and I don’t think this would have been able to happen any sooner and have such a good result. Blessings friend.
P.S. I love Fiesta Ware and all it’s happy colors 🙂
Patti: I do love this post- but then I am a blue anything girl. Also a lover of crystal and china. I believe I inherited the gene.
I know your ginger jar is a treasure to you. Gifts from our mom’s are priceless. I also believe blue and white will be with us forever. It is as you said, “a classic.” It is beautiful and seems to make anywhere and everything prettier.
Most importantly, this post reminded me to have patience (something I lack) and have faith in knowing God does hear our prayers.
Have a beautiful day and week !
We share a love for the same beautiful things Sandra, and a touch of blue makes everything better.
God does hear your prayers Sandra and He knows exactly the right time to answer. Blessings friend.
Love the blue and white! Hence our new house exterior is Navy and white and a splash of hot pink!!!
Of course the HOT PINK! I should’ve shown the pink chair in my blue and white kitchen, right?
Patti: I’m glad you have received a long-awaited answer to prayer! Exciting!
Yes it is Joanie! God is GOOD 🙂
Happy for you that your prayers were answered. I have been a collector (hoarder!) of anything blue and white all my life. I have 2 different patterns of blue and white Wedgewood china sets that I will never part with. I only use them on special occasions, the rest of the time they live in my china cabinet for me to admire daily. I use other blue and white pieces in my home decor as well, they are my favorite colors.
I’m so glad you are a fellow lover of blue and white. Wedgewood china! It must be gorgeous. Thank you for rejoicing with me over answered prayers Terry. Blessings 🙂
I love blue and white as well. I have been collecting it for some time. Yours are lovely.
Ahhh, thanks Penny. Most of mine aren’t real porcelain china or high end, but I love them just the same.
My mother gave me a set of Blue Willow, i will cherish it and use it every Thanksgiving and Christmas till God takes me home. I love blue and white and it is and will always be my accent color. You made me smile and God is so good, he knows the perfect time to answer our prayers. Enjoyed this post and memories.
His timing is always the best Marlene. Thank you.
That is a beautiful jar! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home.
Thank you Sherry 🙂
Beautiful home, beautiful photos, and beautiful sentiments. I love that favorite pieces can bring us such joy and comfort as well. Blessings, Patti!
Thank you sweet Joanne 🙂
Beautiful photos!
Ahhh, thank you so much Amber!