I know I haven’t been here much lately, but I felt the need to TAKE-A-BREAK-FROM-MY-BLOGGING-BREAK today because I have something to share with you that I feel is SO important:
Depression is an epidemic and it is only expected to grow worse, but this book, Hope Prevails Bible Study by my friend Dr. Michelle Bengtson, has REAL answers! I had the opportunity to preview this book as a beta reader and I cannot say enough about it. There are many books written about depression but this one really does surpass them all!
Today is BOOK LAUNCH DAY for the Hope Prevails Bible Study and I am a proud member of Dr. Michelle’s book launch team. Let me tell you a little about this book and why I believe it is so important:
Dr. Michelle Bengtson has worked as a Neuropshychologist for over two decades and has used many treatments to help her patients, but when she fell into a severe depression herself and those methods didn’t work, she found her own healing from a Biblical perspective. In her book, Hope Prevails, Insights From a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression (released in 2016), she told us her story and shared her hope with us. The follow-up to the book is this Bible Study, which can be used with the book or as a stand-alone study. Having read both, I can honestly say that I loved the book but I believe the Bible Study is even better because it gives us a plan to follow, and, I firmly believe that when we work through something like this together we have greater success because we are held accountable to others.
This study is SO needed today. Please order. Buy one for yourself and a friend, or buy a dozen and commit to leading a study in your home or at church. Please share and tell your Pastors about it too. This book is going to change the lives of many!
Below you’ll find the Amazon link to the Bible Study and also to the original book, which just so happens to be on sale.
Order your copy of #HopePrevailsBibleStudy today. Share on X
There you have it my friends. My most important message of the day. As for the blogging break? I’ll be back within the week with another important message to share. This one with lots of pretty pictures of what I’ve been up to lately. I’ve missed y’all SO much!
Blessings friends,
For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Michelle Bengtson at:
Website: http://www.DrMichelleBengtson.com
Blog: http://drmichellebengtson.com/category/blog/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrMichelleBengtson
Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/DrMBengtson (@DrMBengtson)
LinkedIn: http://www.LinkedIn.com/in/DrMichelleBengtson
Google+: http://www.google.com/+MichelleBengtson
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/drmichellebengtson
Pinterest: http://www.Pinterest.com/Drbhopeprevails
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn92DHzGSZk8psDb2FKazOQ
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melinda says
sounds interesting,is it something that can be done on your own or should it be within a group study? I recognize that bridge! Come back soon!
Patti says
This can definitely be done on your own Melinda. If you were to read Dr. Michelle’s first book, or follow her on Facebook, you’d realize the many hard things she has faced and still faces daily, yet she regularly practices the principles she teaches to remain free from depression.
debbieputman says
Glad you took a break from your break to highlight Michelle’s study. Loved Hope Prevails.
Patti says
Thanks Debbie. I loved it too and just want to spread the word!
Dr. Michelle Bengtson says
Have to love a friend who loves Jesus, freedom, and supporting other friends! Thanks for supporting me and all things #HopePrevails Patti! You are a true #HopeAmbassador. Miss you!
Patti says
You are more than welcome my friend. I miss you too! We need a girl’s getaway when both our lives settle down.
Sharon H says
Speaking as I psych nurse, I’m very happy to learn about this bible study book. I know it has the potential to help many people, and I look forward to opportunities to tell others about it.
Patti says
Thank you for that Sharon. It really is the best and most unique book of it’s kind out there, and the practical and biblical Rx from Dr. B. are what make this so powerful to overcome depression!
Michele Morin says
You guys are just the cutest in that picture, and this new offering from Michelle certainly sounds like it’s worth breaking your break for!
Patti says
Absolutely Michele! It is a great study.
Lisa notes... says
I’ve been seeing this book around the blogging world today, and all the quotes sound fabulous. Although I’ve never suffered with serious depression myself, I’ve had family members who suffer from it. It’s such a real thing and hope is always needed!
Patti says
You are absolutely right about hope always being needed, and while this book is written to offer hope to those suffering from depression it is also written for those who have people in their lives who are depressed. It is a great resource for helping others.
Joanne Viola (@JViola79) says
Hope Prevails is a much needed resource and my prayer is for God to use it to help many!
Patti says
Amen Joanne!
Sherry says
Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home.
welcomeheart says
sounds so helpful!
Patti says
It is a fantastic resource Sue!