To be sure, the bunnies overrunning my house are more prolific than my writing has been of late! We spent the first week of March in San Diego and since then I’ve spent much of my time fighting and then recuperating from an influenza virus. UGH!
“No honey, I did NOT get my flu shot this year but I’m glad you did.”
So today, my words will be few and I’ll simply share a few Spring/Easter vignettes scattered around my house.This mama bunny cookie jar adorns my kitchen island, along with a pot of lavender and some gold leafed eggs.
Notice baby bunnies peeking out from beneath mama’s skirts.
On my kitchen counter is a tray holding another porcelain bunny.
And one of many nests scattered throughout my house.
The den has gone Green for Spring (more pics showing my bookcases HERE).
Thrifted and painted candlesticks and silver.
Dried hydrangeas from last year’s garden and a DIY moss covered cross.
I shared this photo on Instagram of a collection of vintage pocket watches and a tiny bird’s nest.
Vintage books abound in my home decor.
I found this big bunny in a thrift store last Spring and I’m still debating on whether to leave him “as is” or to paint him. I’m really loving the grey stone bunnies I’ve seen around the home decor stores.
Or maybe I’ll just paint his overalls pink and make him a her!
This is my favorite frame because I can print out seasonal pictures from The Graphics Fairy to change it up for each holiday.
I’ve added one of my tiny boxwood wreaths behind the glass to frame it.
On to my living room and another boxwood wreath hung on a lantern.
A lantern that is filled with more bunnies of course.
I bought this stuffed bunny a couple of years ago because he looks so real.
I love his little chick friends too.
In my dining room an old toolbox filled with lavender sits atop the hutch.
A Spring Bouquet in a garden urn adorns the dining table,
with another bird’s nest for good measure.
One of my favorite things to create displays in is this large cloche that I’ve filled with Spring goodies.
Vintage sheet music with another miniature bird’s nest.
A mix of decoupaged eggs and gold leafed eggs.
A faux chocolate bunny purchased at Stein Mart. This, after using a real chocolate bunny in a floral arrangement two years ago and finding it melted down into the flowers one sunny afternoon.
The weather is very Springlike and warm this week in South Carolina and the pollen is beginning to fly. Hubby and I are working on a solution for keeping the furniture on the screened porch protected from the messy pollen this year. I’ll let you know how that works out! I hope you all are well and that you are enjoying the entrance into this new Season, wherever you may live.
Blessings friends,
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