NOTE: This is your regularly scheduled Tuesday post, which I finished and walked away from yesterday, neglecting to hit the PUBLISH button. So now it’s Wednesday’s post. 🙂
Did you ever have a toothache when you were a kid and your mother told you to put an aspirin on your tooth to numb the pain? Did you do it? If so, just how long were you able to hold the aspirin in your mouth before spitting it out and declaring that the toothache was more tolerable than that nasty aspirin?
I called my-daughter-the-dentist today to ask her about this practice of her late grandma’s and she informed me that she has actually had patients come in with burns on their gums from trying this. I knew it! And this is exactly why I never made my kids do the same thing.
“What,” you say, “does this have to do with creating an Ever-Changing Flower Arrangement?” You MUST know by now that I always get to the point eventually.