On our recent trip to Long Beach we had a lot of fun “junking”. Mr. OTN picked up an old paddle that he thought would look great hung in our cabana by the lake. We also found some cool nautical hooks (not pictured) that we decided to attach to the oar so hubby would have a place to hang his BBQ tools.
(Looking at this picture reminds me of all the other great stuff I have waiting for me to use in projects and that makes me SO happy).
I began by painting some stars on the paddle portion of the oar, (Pottery Barn was my inspiration),
added a little rope trim,
a number 4 for the Fourth of July,
and some nautical stripes in red, white and blue.
A little distressing with my sanding sponge and a top coat of Krylon Clear Varnish spray to protect her outdoors, and she was ready to hang.
Our cabana is down by the lake (40 steps down from the house Mr. OTN tells me) and is a great place for a party. We especially like to have people over on the 4th of July because of all the fireworks around the lake.
As you can see, the theme is our cabana is patriotic year round. My youngest daughter painted the picnic table and matching benches a few summers ago while home on break from college,
and this is another Pottery Barn knockoff, that I made last year.
So while Mr. OTN may not like the long climb back up to the house it is still his favorite place to BBQ (even though we do have a smaller BBQ up on our porch).
Can you see the reason why?
By the way, my dear hubby has some of the BEST marinade recipes that he’s collected over the years. Last week I shared the recipe for Grilled Rosemary Garlic Shrimp (which is amazing). I may be needing to do a post soon featuring his favorite recipes for the grill.
I do hope you are taking some time to enjoy the summer season wherever you live.
I HEART summertime!
Blessings to you,
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VMG206, Hickory Trail, BeBetsy, TuesdaysAtOurHome
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