When it comes to eating dinner my man is kind of a manly man. He likes “real food” like you’d see on the box of a Hungry Man dinner (Ewwww)! He likes to feel full and satisfied after one of his 12 hour work days and believe it or not, this pretty Spring salad with high protein ingredients like chicken, avocados, cheese and pecans is one that satisfies.
We love eating lighter during the Spring and Summer months and hope that you’ll enjoy this recipe as much as we do!
I’ve been known to link up to the following great parties!!!
TheDIYShowoff, LifeOnLakeshoreDrive, SilverPenniesSundays, SundaysAtHome, RusticAndRefined, Spiritual Sundays, GiveMeGrace
IShouldBeMoppingTheFloor, TheDedicatedHouse, Dwellings, ProjectInspired, InspireMeMonday, BetweenNapsOnThePorch, Making Your Home Sing Mondays, The Beauty in His Grip What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings, Darling Downs Diaries, The Art of Homemaking
HomeStoriesAtoZ, AStrollThruLife, Elizabeth&Co, CoastalCharm, CozyLittleHouse, NaptimeCreations, CedarHillFarmhouse, KatheWithAnE,
VMG206, TuesdaysAtOurHome, TheWinthropChronicles, Dream.Create.Inspire.Link, Rich Faith Rising Unite Linky,Time Warp Wife, Testimony Tuesday,Cheerleaders of Faith,Tell His Story
VMG206, TuesdaysAtOurHome, TheWinthropChronicles, Dream.Create.Inspire.Link, Rich Faith Rising Unite Linky,Time Warp Wife, Testimony Tuesday,Cheerleaders of Faith,Tell His Story
SavvySouthernStyle, TheBlissfulBee, Posed Perfection, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesdays, A Little R & R, Whole Hearted Home, Mom’s Morning Coffee, Women with Intention, Coffee for Your Heart
ShareYourStyle, ImpartingGrace, EmbracingChange, HaveADailyCupOfMrsOlson, MyRepurposedLife, FromMyFrontPorchToYours, ADelightsomeLife, AKAWeekendRetreat,
KatherinesCorner, PrettyPreppyParty, YourTurnToShine, Serving Joyfully/Thriving Thursdays, The Deliberate Mom/Shine Blog Hop, I Choose Joy, Live Free Thursday, Thought Provoking Thursday, MakingBrokenBeautiful
FrenchCountryCottage, MissMustardSeed, TheShabbyNest, TheCharmOfHome, RootedInThyme, TheDedicatedHouseAnythingBlueFriday,
ShabbyliciousFriday, Blessing Counters,Missional Women Faith Filled Fridays, Grace & Truth Linkup, Grace&TruthSharingRedemption’sStories, Dance With Jesus