Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist is the book I’m reading right now. This book is really causing me to take a step back and re-evaluate the busyness of my life. I am no longer working a full time job, we have no responsibility in our church right now, and I no longer have kids at home that keep me living crazy. My crazy comes all from pressure I put on myself to keep working toward getting everything on my to-do list done. But I never get it done and I never will get it done because I keep adding things to it. That’s simply the kind of person I am.
I have this voice inside my head that tells me that it is wrong to stop and rest when my hubby works such long and crazy hours (don’t worry it isn’t a real voice, just my thinking voice). It also warns me that if I stop and rest I might have to deal with some very unpleasant thoughts about very real problems. Though I don’t share everything about our lives and family here on the blog, we have one. And our family has it’s share of ups and down just like any other family does. However, this particular year has been a hard one. Stress, worry, fear, and heartbreak (You don’t need to tell me to cast my cares upon the Lord or to trust in Him alone because believe me, I find myself in a constant state of casting and trusting).
So I keep myself busy to keep from being overwhelmed . . . or so I tell myself. Share on X
I’m in the process of re-evaluating. What are the things that are really important in my life and what things can be set aside? What are the things I’m doing that have to do with the calling on my life and what things am I doing out of a sense of obligation? What are the things that I do that will best serve God, my family, and my friends? And maybe me too because this might just start with taking better care of me!
I’ve been hesitant to take a blogging break because I’ve been to writer’s conferences where “they” say – those great and all-knowing experts on everything – that to draw back from regularly posting to your blog is certain death, and will diminish all those followers you’ve worked so hard to gain so that One Day, that fabulous book you’re writing will be the buzz among them and they will broadcast the word near and far making it the next best seller and making your name a household word!
Push, push, push, and don’t slow down. Post it, link it, Pin it, Tweet it, IG it, and turn around and do it all again.
It has been slow going as I write the book that I feel God has called me to write. I plug away whenever I can . . . whenever I don’t find myself swamped with all of the other things I feel obligated or simply driven to do.
But wait a minute. What about that verse I’ve clung to so often on this writing journey, “The Lord will accomplish that which concerns me,” from Psalm 138:8? I know I have to put the work into the writing but driving myself mad with the push for likes and follows? Not now. Not at this juncture in my life. Not when I have more important things to fight for. NO!
At the end of the day, whether my book is picked up by a publisher or self-published, whether it reaches thousand, tens of thousands, millions, or a couple dozen people, the message in my book will get into the hands of those it is meant to. Our Pastor asked a question last week that really hit the nail on the head for me, At life's end what will matter most, the number of likes you've gotten or the amount of love you've shown? Share on X
So I’m taking a little break. I don’t know how long it will be but I need to take a little time for self love in the form of self care. Lord knows, I need it! My family needs it too. Even if I can’t be present with them they need my prayers. So I’m drawing away for a time to do the next right thing.
I already had a few posts planned so I will pop in from time to time with photos and maybe some news of what is happening in my world. You can also follow me on Instagram where I will be posting more often.
Be still and know that I am God.
I’m looking forward to it.
Blessings friends,
P.S. I hope you liked my French Country Pumpkins and Roses. Pretty things make me smile 🙂
I’ve been known to link up to the following great parties!!!
TheDIYShowoff, LifeOnLakeshoreDrive, SilverPenniesSundays, SundaysAtHome, RusticAndRefined, Spiritual Sundays, GiveMeGrace
IShouldBeMoppingTheFloor, TheDedicatedHouse, Dwellings, ProjectInspired, InspireMeMonday, BetweenNapsOnThePorch, CelebrateYourStoryMaking Your Home Sing Mondays, The Beauty in His Grip What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings, Darling Downs Diaries, The Art of Homemaking,SmallWonder, LifeGivingLinkup, MomentsOfHope, Glimpses, SittingAmongFriends
TalkOfTheTown, HomeStoriesAtoZ, AStrollThruLife, CoastalCharm, CozyLittleHouse, CedarHillFarmhouse, KatheWithAnE,TuesdaysAtOurHome, TheWinthropChronicles, Rich Faith Rising Unite Linky, Testimony Tuesday,Cheerleaders of Faith,Tell His Story, IntentionalTuesday
SavvySouthernStyle, TheBlissfulBee, Posed Perfection, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesdays, ChristianBloggerLinkup, Whole Hearted Home, Mom’s Morning Coffee, Women with Intention, Coffee for Your Heart, MessyMarriage, ThreeWordWednesday
ShareYourStyle, ImpartingGrace, EmbracingChange, HaveADailyCupOfMrsOlson, MyRepurposedLife, ADelightsomeLife, KatherinesCorner, PrettyPreppyParty, The Deliberate Mom/Shine Blog Hop, I Choose Joy, Live Free Thursday, Thought Provoking Thursday, PartyAtMyPlace, 100HappyDays, SincerelyPaulas, ThankfulThursdays
FrenchCountryCottage, TheCharmOfHome, RootedInThyme, TheDedicatedHouseAnythingBlueFriday, ShabbyliciousFriday, Sweet Inspiration, Faith’nFriends, Missional Women Faith Filled Fridays, Dance With Jesus
FunkyJunkInteriors, OneMoreTimeEvents, SaturdaySparks, TheInspirationGallery, Make My Saturday Sweet